Saturday, August 15, 2009

10th week.

I experienced one time when my friend and I meet in the canteen, She said that she go to Sta. Rosa and she ask me if I like to join with her and I said I have a class. And she said 'magcutting ka na lang' I shocked when she said that. Then I said I don't like to join with her. And she said okay.

I learn that you should focus in your studies before anything else.
9th week.

For me responsible person know what he/she supposed to do. And know what is right and wrong.

My responsibilities at home, When weekdays sometimes I'm the one who will cook the food, And wash the plates.

Then in weekends sometimes I wash my clothes and clean my room.

In school

The main responsibilities of the students in school is to study well. And do what the teacher is saying.

In the community

The only thing that I will contribute to my community is to cooperate and do my part as a member of my community.
8th week.

Avoid cheating, I will do this challenge, I review a lot and try my best to answer all the queations in the exam.

I realize that you should review your lesson everyday. To participate in the class.
7th week.

I review my health assessment its okay, but if it is not okay. I will eat some vegetables and fruits and eat nutritious foods.
6th meeting

To recite in class, I feel happy because I know its part of the students to participate in class discussion.

An Inconvenient Truth

My reaction.
We should take care our environment, because this is the creation of God and God create us to take care of his creation.

Friday, August 7, 2009

5th week

Question 1: Develop a doable daily and weekly schedule.

A. Daily schedule includes time for rising in the morning, self preparations including meals/merienda school hours, time for travel going to school, length of time staying at school, doing assignments, reviewing lessons and advane academic preparations sports/leisure and rest/sleeping.

07:00-08:00am- taking a bath
08:00-09:00am- eating my breakfast
09:00-10:00am- go to the church with my family
10:00-11:30am- going to the mall
11:30-03:30pm- still in the mall
03:30-04:00pm- going home
04:00-07:00pm- sleeping
07:00-08:00pm- watching tv
08:00-09:00pm- eating my dinner
09:00-10:00pm- reviewing the last lesson
10:00pm- sleeping

05:30-05:45am- wake up
05:45-06:10am- taking a bath
06:10-06:30am- eating my breakfast
06:30am- go to school
07:00am-start my first class
07:00-10:00am-class in computer
10:00-11:30am- class in values education
11:30-12:00am- going home
12:00-01:00pm- eating my lunch
01:00-05:00pm- sleeping
05:00-06:00pm- watching tv
06:00-07:00pm-eating my dinner
07:00-08:00pm- review and answer my assignment
08:00-09:00pm- sleeping

05:30-05:45am- wake up
05:45-06:10- taking a bath
06:10-06:30am- eating my breakfast
06:30am- going to school
07:00am- start of my class
07:00-08:30am- class in social science
08:30-10:00am-class in logic
10:00-11:30am- class in mathematics
11:30-12:00am- going home
12:00-01:00pm- eating my dinner
01:00-02:00pm- watching tv
02:00-05:00pm- sleeping
05:00-06:00pm- start to review my asssignment
06:00-07:00pm- watching tv
07:00-08:30pm- eating my dinner
08:30-09:00pm- texting

05:30-05:45am- wake up
05:45-06:10am- taking a bath
06:10-06:30am- eating my breakfast
06:30- go to school
07:00am-start my first class
07:00-10:00am- class in physical education
10:00-11:30am-vacant(eating time)
11:30-01:00pm- class in english
01:00-02:00pm- going home
02:00-02;30pm- eating my lunch
02:30-05:00pm- sleeping
05:00-06:00pm- watching tv
06:00-07:00pm- eating my dinner
07:00-09:00pm- doing my assignments
09:00pm- sleeping

05:30-05:45am- wake up
05:45-06:10am- taking a bath
06:10-06:30am- eating my breakfast
06:30am- go to school
07:00am- start my class
07:00-08:30am- class in social science
08:30-10:00am- class in logic
10:00- 11:30am- class in mathematics
11:30-12:00am- going home
12:00-01:00pm- eating my lunch
01:00-02:00pm- watching tv
02:00-05:00pm- sleeping
05:00-07:00pm- doing my assignments
07:00-07:30pm- eating my dinner
07:30-09:00pm- watching tv
09:00pm- sleeping

05:30-05:45am- wake up
05:45-06:10am- taking bath
06:10-06:30am- eating my breakfast
06:30- go to school
07:00- start my first class
07:00-10:00am- class in drawing
10:00-11:30am- vacant
11:30-01:00pm- class in english
01:00-02:00- going home
02:00:02:30pm- eat my lunch
02:30-05:00pm- sleeping
05:00-06:00- watching tv
06:00-07:00- eating my dinner
07:00-08:00- review the lessons
09:00pm- sleeping

o5:30-05:45am- wake up
05:45-6:10- taking a bath
06:10-06:30am- eating my breakfast
06:30- go to school
07:00-08:30- class in social science
08:30-10:00- class in logic
10:00-11:30- class in mathematics
11:30-12:00- going home
12:00-01:00pm- eating my lunch
01:00-02:00pm- watching tv
02:00-05:00pm- sleeping
05:00-06:00pm- playing badminton
06:00- 07:00pm- eating my dinner
07:00-9;00pm- watching tv
09:00- sleeping

Sunday, July 26, 2009

“The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”.

when I was in 4th year hihgschool, I remember when I was making my painting. my mother is the one who inspires me because my painting was all about her. shes like a fruit that was very important to me.

Monday, July 6, 2009

.3rd week.


If you will have one outstanding virtue, What would you it to be? Why?


My outstanding virtue are faith and respecting of other people. I have faith in God, I know that God always sees me that's why I want to be a good girl. And if you have in God, you also respect him. For me if you respect others, others respect you too. All of us know how to respect others and everyday we try to apply that.
If you dont love others you dont love your self too. Then if you respect others it means you love other people.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

.2nd week.

1. How was your first week in MCL?

At first I'm nervous because this is the first time that I will meet my classmates and my professors. As the days go by I feel happy with my classmates/blockmates.

2. Describe your professors, what are traits do you find positive in each one?

Our professors are good, but for me I'm scared to all my teachers I know they all kind but I had a trauma in my teacher in highschool. I try to forget that but still I always remember. I hope this will not happen again. Although some of my teachers angry with us because we are noisy and they always thought to us that we are in college now, you should be responsible. I can say that all my teachers are kind.

3. describe your blockmates/section. What do ou think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?

My classmates are friendly sometimes naughty but all of us are kind. You are free to do what you want. Strength of my blockmates they all friendly and kind, they always willing to help. Weaknesses of my classmates they have many jokes, they always share it to do class, all of us smiling, but our teachers get angry because we are noisy.

4. how do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are alittle bit challenging? Why?

My courses? For me its difficult but I try my best and I think with the help of my classmates I fid it easy and I know they help me.

5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.

At first I find it difficult to adjust because I dont know who are my classmates. In academics I will try my best to performwell in the class. Emotions I'm sensitive, I always cry even if small thing that important to me will lost. Social environment for me it is hard to find friends because I'm a shy type person, but if you know me. I'm kind of person that loving, caring, cheerful, and kind.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Q: How does values education work to your advantage?

A: It works in my advantage in some ways. it helps me to trusts and to be trusted by others.

Q: After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?

A: For me, entering college life is very difficult. You must follow the rules and regulation of the school and the schedule assigned to you. Though, it is the last step in achieving my goals.