Friday, August 7, 2009

5th week

Question 1: Develop a doable daily and weekly schedule.

A. Daily schedule includes time for rising in the morning, self preparations including meals/merienda school hours, time for travel going to school, length of time staying at school, doing assignments, reviewing lessons and advane academic preparations sports/leisure and rest/sleeping.

07:00-08:00am- taking a bath
08:00-09:00am- eating my breakfast
09:00-10:00am- go to the church with my family
10:00-11:30am- going to the mall
11:30-03:30pm- still in the mall
03:30-04:00pm- going home
04:00-07:00pm- sleeping
07:00-08:00pm- watching tv
08:00-09:00pm- eating my dinner
09:00-10:00pm- reviewing the last lesson
10:00pm- sleeping

05:30-05:45am- wake up
05:45-06:10am- taking a bath
06:10-06:30am- eating my breakfast
06:30am- go to school
07:00am-start my first class
07:00-10:00am-class in computer
10:00-11:30am- class in values education
11:30-12:00am- going home
12:00-01:00pm- eating my lunch
01:00-05:00pm- sleeping
05:00-06:00pm- watching tv
06:00-07:00pm-eating my dinner
07:00-08:00pm- review and answer my assignment
08:00-09:00pm- sleeping

05:30-05:45am- wake up
05:45-06:10- taking a bath
06:10-06:30am- eating my breakfast
06:30am- going to school
07:00am- start of my class
07:00-08:30am- class in social science
08:30-10:00am-class in logic
10:00-11:30am- class in mathematics
11:30-12:00am- going home
12:00-01:00pm- eating my dinner
01:00-02:00pm- watching tv
02:00-05:00pm- sleeping
05:00-06:00pm- start to review my asssignment
06:00-07:00pm- watching tv
07:00-08:30pm- eating my dinner
08:30-09:00pm- texting

05:30-05:45am- wake up
05:45-06:10am- taking a bath
06:10-06:30am- eating my breakfast
06:30- go to school
07:00am-start my first class
07:00-10:00am- class in physical education
10:00-11:30am-vacant(eating time)
11:30-01:00pm- class in english
01:00-02:00pm- going home
02:00-02;30pm- eating my lunch
02:30-05:00pm- sleeping
05:00-06:00pm- watching tv
06:00-07:00pm- eating my dinner
07:00-09:00pm- doing my assignments
09:00pm- sleeping

05:30-05:45am- wake up
05:45-06:10am- taking a bath
06:10-06:30am- eating my breakfast
06:30am- go to school
07:00am- start my class
07:00-08:30am- class in social science
08:30-10:00am- class in logic
10:00- 11:30am- class in mathematics
11:30-12:00am- going home
12:00-01:00pm- eating my lunch
01:00-02:00pm- watching tv
02:00-05:00pm- sleeping
05:00-07:00pm- doing my assignments
07:00-07:30pm- eating my dinner
07:30-09:00pm- watching tv
09:00pm- sleeping

05:30-05:45am- wake up
05:45-06:10am- taking bath
06:10-06:30am- eating my breakfast
06:30- go to school
07:00- start my first class
07:00-10:00am- class in drawing
10:00-11:30am- vacant
11:30-01:00pm- class in english
01:00-02:00- going home
02:00:02:30pm- eat my lunch
02:30-05:00pm- sleeping
05:00-06:00- watching tv
06:00-07:00- eating my dinner
07:00-08:00- review the lessons
09:00pm- sleeping

o5:30-05:45am- wake up
05:45-6:10- taking a bath
06:10-06:30am- eating my breakfast
06:30- go to school
07:00-08:30- class in social science
08:30-10:00- class in logic
10:00-11:30- class in mathematics
11:30-12:00- going home
12:00-01:00pm- eating my lunch
01:00-02:00pm- watching tv
02:00-05:00pm- sleeping
05:00-06:00pm- playing badminton
06:00- 07:00pm- eating my dinner
07:00-9;00pm- watching tv
09:00- sleeping

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